In Sickness and in Health

Today is our one year anniversary! The year has flown by! Unfortunately we can't do too much crazy adventuring to celebrate because Josey had surgery last week. 

Here is Josey right after he was given his first round of "silly" drugs. The nurse said it would be like he had a couple of cocktails. Which is funny, because I've never seen what he's like after a couple of cocktails. 

But let me back up. Josey is okay! We discovered a few weeks ago an abnormality that was caused by something Josey's probably had his whole life, but it just decided to show up now. 

The best option was surgery, even though he really really didn't want to take any time off from landscaping. I was able to convince him just to get it done and over with, and here we are! 

It was a minor procedure, although we spent most of last Wednesday in the hospital because they were running behind. Poor guy was starving by the time he finally went in! All went exactly how the surgeon hoped, and they took measures to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. So I am very happy. I'm not happy that he uncomfortable though.  

But cats and quilts make everything more comfortable, right?! I had all of last week and today off, since my nannying family has been out of town, so I've been able to take care of him. He is up and moving pretty normally now, although we aren't sure when he will be able to go back to work. 

This has been the first time the whole "in sickness and in health" thing has come in to play since our marriage a year ago. I love taking care of him! Usually he is the one taking care of me. (Because I am a lazy bum.)

Josey is pretty stubborn though, and had it in his mind that he wanted to go to the car races last Friday and Saturday nights, even though he hadn't sat up that long since the surgery. 

So we went. And he did pretty well! The races were exciting too, even though it rained off and on. 

Speaking of rain, today was a downright dreary day! Josey read my mind earlier when he said it's a good thing we didn't have this weather last year. An outdoor wedding today would NOT have been good!

But a year ago today, we did have good weather. We had a perfect day. And the year has gone by super duper quickly. If we got #thepanthercat during year one, imagine what year two holds! 

One "bright side" of Josey's surgery is that we actually got to spend our anniversary together! We put together our new patio set this afternoon, and it makes me happy! 

I got a hanging flower basket for our anniversary. Yay!

Josey also trained me in the ways of trailer pulling. We practiced going forwards and backwards and through narrow places. And I didn't get frustrated!

We also are children and went to see the Secret Life of Pets. Then we bought Josey a suit, and ate a delicious dinner at The Bay. Would recommend that restaurant to anyone in the Bozeman area! It never disappoints. 

Tomorrow I go back to work, and Josey continues to mend. It is frustrating for him because his summer employment is physical labor. We just have to hope that he won't have to take more than 2 weeks off. Or he'll go crazy.  

For now, we are snuggling with Panther watching TV, hoping we can make room in our tummies for the anniversary cake in the fridge. Thank you to everyone for the well wishes today, we feel very loved! 

Til next time,


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