

Because all life happenings need a hashtag, right?!

For those of you who do not know, Panther, Josey and I have moved to Bozeman for the summer. Josey is making the mula working long days as a foreman for Bear Paw Landscapes, and I am a nanny babysitter. (The boys don’t like to call me their nanny.) 

And let me tell you. I am a happy camper. I drive about 15 minutes to work every day and am amazed by my surroundings every time. The mountains, the clouds, the green, the sky. I love the Gallatin Valley.
The view from the top of the "M" trail was fantastic this evening.

I babysit 4-5 days a week, 9-5ish, and I absolutely love my job. The boys are 4 and 6 years old, and they have more energy than I can keep up with. But unlike middle schoolers, I can just pick them up and move them when they are being ridiculous. 

My goal for the summer with these boys is to be as active as I possibly can, and take them on a lot of adventures! Sure, they can play around the house every day, but there are so many fun (and free) things to do in the area. So far we have found a splash park, a dinosaur park, bike trails, the public library, my house (and cat, duh,) and later this week we are going to go on a nature walk sponsored by the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. 

Many of our activities are located in Bozeman, so that requires a little bit of driving time. So far, I think we’ve had the best conversations in the car. I am just floored by the cute things they say. 

Today’s car conversation was about how I was learning from them. The 6 year old was shocked, and told me that “you can’t learn from US, you’re a TEACHER. Teachers know everything.”

How to fit kids bikes in your small car, 101.
Ha! Yeah right like I know everything! I’ve learned a ton from the boys, and I’ve only been with them for a week. I've learned that it's important to remember to bring towels to the splash park, and they you should have bandaids with you at all times. Seriously. Bandaids are important.

I am glad that I have one year of teaching under my belt before taking on a job like this. I already know how to phrase things so that they can’t say no… and I know the power of bribery, and competition. I didn’t realize how much teaching was going to help me work with even younger kids, and eventually my own kids.

I know it’s not going to be an easy summer job, but already it has been so rewarding. I can’t wait to go hang out with my hooligans in the morning. They love to be outside, and my hair is already several shades blonder. (WIN.) I love the sun! The boys keep me moving, and I really have been longing for a busy lifestyle like this again.

Our concept of “home” is all messed up right now. I feel like Bozeman is our home, that we came back to, but yet almost all of our belongings, and many of our friends, are back in Saco. Even though Bozeman feels like home, the condo we are renting seems temporary. We have almost nothing in this house, just the furniture and appliances we need to get through the summer. But yet, I feel at peace, and very happy. It’s also really hard to be unhappy when you have a cat in your lap. 

My current blogging companion

We have summer jobs that we really like, there are dance classes for me to take (OULA rocks!) mountains to climb, and stores to shop in. Plus, Josey just bought a Polaris RZR that he has been drooling over and talking about for months, so he’s very very happy. 

Our new toy...

The rest of the summer is going to fly by. I want to go adventuring every weekend, and we will play/sing in church every Sunday.  I have set some goals for myself in lesson preparations for next year, and I know I’ll be taking some Senior Photos soon. I want the summer to slow down, but I also don’t want it to, because I am enjoying every minute of it.

I will also be traveling back to Washington for my sister's Bachelorette party, WOOHOO! Then, we will be attending her wedding in August just before school starts. I can't wait!

Haha, I guess I'll find out if Ainsley reads my whole post. She doesn't know this picture from the bridal shower exists. I think it is hilarious that we basically did the same thing in the "tester" shot. Bourque girls hair habit?
So here’s to adventuring and enjoying where we are for the time being. We have spent so much time and energy worrying about the future, it’s time to just have some fun. We have the rest of our lives to figure our lives out. 



Ainsley said…
Haha, you could have followed the identical mannerism one with the photographic evidence that our faces are basically identical!

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