I'm Thankful.

We've done it. We have officially moved to Saco, Montana, and only left a few things behind. (Sorry roommates!) It turns out, we have a lot of stuff. And a lot of plants.

I've chronicled the previous moving adventures, but this one was rather uneventful. Here's the photo I put on social media, with our two overloaded vehicles.

I contemplated writing a blog about things I will miss about Bozeman, but the more I rewrote that blog in my head I couldn't make it have a positive spin. It was just kind of sad. So instead, I decided to write about the things that I am thankful for here in Saco. Which is much more enjoyable.

I am thankful for...

  1. Air conditioning. It's been really hot in the area, and at times super muggy, but in our house we are really comfortable. I am actually having to get used to it again, even though I grew up with air conditioning in Tri-Cities. Sometimes I wear a sweater. 
  2. Family. My sister got engaged this week! Holy Crow I can hardly contain my excitement!!! And we got to hang out with Josey's step brother who is in the area and eat Mexican food.
  3. Ice makers.
  4. Working Dishwashers. This dishwasher puts all of our college dishwashers to shame.
  5. Josey's patience. I have a ton of clothing and stuff, and so does he, and we are working together to make everything fit. We finally hung some things up and the poor guy has to deal with "a little bit to the left and down, okay back up, now to the right..."
  6. Comfy furniture. We are actually sitting in our living room right now, with our new couch and my favorite comfy chair. Our new bed is a cloud. All that is missing is a warm cat.
  7. That our fish made the trip. Josey would have been really sad if our two fishies died in the car, but alas, they are still happily swimming around the tank.
  8. Internet. We were prepared to wait 5-10 days for internet, and it was set up the very next day! Of course, we aren't as productive with unpacking now that we have Netflix, but we only watched one episode of Parenthood so far, so that's a good thing. I was also able to FaceTime with my dad today and it was super clear!
  9. Bug spray. Although we didn't really think about what would happen if bugs got into the car. It's one of those things where you rush to get in and out of the car when it's buggy, but somehow they still sneak in. Our more recent adventure was yesterday when we went to Glasgow to go shopping and exploring, and drove back at the buggiest time of day, around 9 PM. We got gas, and then drove back, with mosquitoes buzzing inside of the car, biting us left and right. There was nothing we could do. From now on there will be a house can of bug spray, and a car can of bug spray. In some parts of the drive, the bugs hitting the windshield sounded like rain!
  10. Squeegies, hoses, and sponges for car washing.
  11. Friends. Before we left for the trip we got to hang out with several of our close friends. We are going to miss them a lot.
  12. Working vehicles. There were no flat tires on this trip. We both had pretty heavy loads though, so we chug chug chugged up some of the hills.
  13. Walkie Talkies. Josey and I were able to talk to each other easily on the drive, and it made me feel a lot better knowing it was easy to tell him something was falling off the trailer. Just kidding, nothing fell off. He's really good at using tie-down straps.
  14. McDonalds. There is one in Glasgow. We are going to survive.
  15. Two bathrooms.
  16. Bug Spray. Yes, today we actually sprayed the grass. 
  17. Sleeping in.
  18. My Instagram Photo a Day Challenge. It really makes me stop and try to find something worthwhile to take a photo of, and to try to take a good one.
  19. Laughter.
  20. Everyone who came to our wedding, and everyone who gave us gifts and celebrated with us near and far. I am having a blast writing thank-you cards, I hope I can get them in the mail this week. Our friends and family are the best.
  21. My husband and married life. It's so easy, although I know it won't always be. I expected this transition to be ridiculously hard, and we've only been here for a few days, but each day I am more and more excited for our adventures here and beyond!

Okay, that's all we have time for at the moment. The house is slowly getting put together, although the only room that is entirely "done" is the guest bathroom. The kitchen is close, and we are gradually getting all of the tubs and boxes emptied in the living rooms and in the rest of the house. Work starts for us tomorrow with meetings and such, and then we have the weekend to finish unpacking and prepare to start teaching. We finally get to meet the kids and start teaching on Monday! We are nervous and excited all at the same time.

Til next time,


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